Tuesday, 28 June 2016

How to survive the hot days!

Summer arrived and for the most people is difficult to handle with such highs temperatures like the ones we have here in Nicosia.
Too much hot can make your good mood and even your sleep go away. If it’s difficult for you to escape from the high temperatures on the street or on your way, you deserve a little comfort at home or at work.

So there are some tips that you can do for make your life easier in the summer days.

For a quick relief put your wrists under current fresh water at least 10 seconds each hand. Can be from the tap if you don’t have a colder source. Aloud yourself to have a deep breath. This will reduce abruptly your temperature at least for one hour. Try to put your forehead and back head a little wet as well. You can put a wet towel in your forehead for a bigger relief.

To refresh the place here you are staying, you can put a bowl of water with ice cubes in front of a fan pointed to you. Put as well a wet source behind the fan, like a towel, making the spread air fresher.
Put your feet in a bucket of cold water. The body spread warm from the hands, feet, face and ears, so if you refresh one of that area, all body will be colder.

Protect always your head with a hat that cover your back head as well. The temperature of the head influence a lot all the thermic balance of your body. You can use a wet scarf to protect and refresh your neck.

Use summer clothes. The ones which are fresh and light. Prefer natural textile as cotton, silk and linen instead of synthetic materials.  Don’t use tight clothes and prefer the light colors instead of the darker ones. The dark colors absorb more the hot and the light colors reflect the light and the hot, being this way fresher.

Drink a lot of liquids, especially water, avoiding dehydration. The water maintain the temperature of your body, hydrate the organism and reset the minerals. Headaches, dizziness and vomiting could be a sign of dehydration.

Eat spicy food. This one will increase your sweating, refreshing your body when it evaporate. Although that, there is also a relief of endorphins, something very good that can help you forgetting the hotness.  

Also eat food that is easier to digest like salads, fruit, food with a lot of liquids and skinnier meat.

Follow this tips and have a more enjoyable and pleasant summer! 

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