Monday, 29 August 2016

Studying "Elliniká"

Learning a new language is always a challenge that can be worst or better according to the resemblance that the language have with your native speak.
Through a foreigner eyes looking at the Greek language, it looks pretty difficult.

The first obstacle is the alphabet. A bunch of letters that means nothing to you and that look like much more with Chinese characters then with words. It’s like having six years old again and starting from the first grade. Try to read something is so hard and is always very slowly. Every small step that you give is always combined with a choke of strange sounds that inside you are praying for being just a little bit similar to the original ones.

The writing is the same thing and at least you can enjoy the pleasure of write every letter carefully and with a lot of patient and time, like you were drawing something very special even if you don’t understand the meaning of what you are writing about.
You feel shy when you try to speak and one of the things that you have to accept is that mistakes are very normal in the beginning and you have to do them a lot until you say it in the right way.

Another complicated thing is when this new language have sounds that don’t exist in your mother tongue. It is something new that you never listen before and that look like impossible to reproduce. When the human being is growing up it starts to lose his capacity to learn different sounds.
Then you really have to improve your memory. Vocabulary is very needed to be able to speak, so as fast as you memorize each word, you’ll be better and you’ll learn faster because you’ll understand everything much easier.  

Although all the obstacles that you have to face, in the end is very gratifying when you start to get the conversations; the meanings; and especially to because closer of the native speakers of the language that you are learning.

In the end that is a language do, it put people closer. 

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