Thursday, 27 October 2016

Who We Can Love

One of the strangest things about relationship is that we are not free to feel attracted to just anyone.

We tend to have very strong psychological types that we can't deviate from. All of us carry inside us very specific list, defining what the people we can love need to be like as characters. These list are often weirder.

Why can't we settle down with people who are good for us? That's because we are looking for someone who feels familiar.

A lot of us learned about love in childhood at the hands of people who were trouble for us and who continue unconsciously to guide our love types, this can cause havoc with our chances of happiness.
Emotional health mean expanding on the number of people we are free to fall in love with.

We learn about love in childhood, but we liberate ourselves from the traumas of childhood when we realize we can love in different ways, and get used to something that may at first be eerily and challenging unfamiliar.

This video, made from THE SCHOOL OF LIFE, explains why we fall in love with the wrong person.

Alain de Botton is a writer, philosopher and television host. He founded The School of Life. Deals with the culture and history of thought emphasizing their value for everyday life.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Million ways of Butternut Squash

It's butternut squash (pumpkin) season.

The positive health effects of butternut squash has been known by the Indians, they cured snake bites and it helped eliminate freckles.

Nowadays supported scientific research by the fact that the butternut squash has an a lot of calcium, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus, vitamin C, carotene, biotin, niacin, pantothenic acid, A, B1, B2, B6, and the content of folic acid have health maintenance, curative effect . The butternut squash is suitable for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, in particular, show high efficiency in the case of cold, common cold diseases, but applicable to pneumonia and other treatment of lung injury. The butternut squash can even help with allergic coughing, sneezing, reduce asthma attacks.

Its consumption can make our skin more beautiful, especially in the treatment of acne is a great help. In folk medicine it is used as a laxative and bowel cleanser. Consuming can be very beneficial for people suffering by digestive problems. The butternut squash stimulates liver function, helps prevent heart and coronary problems.

With the low calorie content of pumpkin is ideal for people with strict diet.

Those who have never tasted a real butternut squash might think, with so many beneficial effects it has to have a bad taste. Wrong! Probably the most delicious fried, but you can make soup, vegetables, cakes, jam, and juice of it.

It’s rare that a vegetable combines three important characteristics such as healthiness, taste delicious and affordable price. You can find butternut squash on every continent except Antarctica…

On the next week at the veggie kitchen we will show you three different ways to prepare it.

Butternut Squash Soup

Approx. 1.5 kg butternut squash
1 large onion
3-4 cloves garlic
1l bouillon broth
100 ml cream (milk)
(roasted pumpkin seeds)
1 heaping ts curry
1 heaping ts ground cumin
1 heaping ts ground coriander
Salt and pepper

1. Slice the butternut squash for bigger pieces and put it in the oven till it’s ready, or put in the microwave for 20-25 minute
2. Meanwhile, cut the onion for small pieces, and cook in in a bigger pot
3. Cut the ready butternut squash to small pieces and with the sliced garlic add to the onion.
4. Add the bouillon broth and the curry, coriander, cumin; boil and cook for a few minutes.
5. Pull off from the fire, blend it with a blender until its smooth, pour more water if necessary
6. Pour in the cream and boil it again. After tasting put salt and pepper, depending on your taste
7. Serve with croutons and roasted pumpkin seeds

Tip: Don’t throw out the peel, cut in into very small pieces and add it before blending.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

The importance of advertising in our society

Nowadays it´s unthinkable to live without the presence of advertisement in our lives. On TV, on Internet, the Social Media, newspapers, at the streets...everywhere. And the main reason why we are surrounded of such a huge amount of publicity is simply: promoting or selling a product. It doesn´t matter which is the shape or the function of the product. Many times the same product is something abstract, like a feeling, an emotion or simply a value. Even ourselves as individuals are considered a product where what really matter is the image. 

 When you think in the word "advertisement" the first thing that comes up with your mind is a product needs to be promoted in order to be sold later. This may be the original idea, but with the same necessity of reaching a huge amonut of people and of becoming more sofisticated to be competitive, in recent years the advertisement companies have evolved to the point of creating adverts that get into your mind and pushing you, unconsciously most of the times, to purchase the good.

Besides of selling a product or promoting events with a lucrative purpose, advertisement it´s also used both as to promote comunity or charity events for instance or to let your friends know that you are going to organize a party. The main goal of advertisement is to send you a message that makes some how an effect on you.

On the other hand, advertisement also has a crucial paper in our lives, not only for the fact that they want to send us a message to spend, but also to consider as a product ourselves. The fact of creating a good CV for example in order to show your best face to get a job it can also be a kind of advertisement. Let´s say that we are "selling" ourselves in order to get a job, or also through the Social Media. Something so simple as posting a photo, a song or a statement in your social network is another type of advertisement.

As you can see, the word "advertisement" has different meanings and uses in today´s society, and it depens how it is used can be very useful or very harmful, useful in order to spread a message with intentions or harmful in order to create you the necessity of buying a prodcut that you don´t need. This is only an opinion.