Two days after the elections in the USA, everyone is expectant of knowing what is going to happen because of the result got in it. Donald Trump, in case there is still somebody do not know him, candidate of the republican party for president of the United States of America, has got to reach the position at the White House for the next four years.
After knowing the outcome of the elections, many people are angry, many scared, many others concerned of what will happen both with the future of the United States and of the rest of the world. It is unquestionable the person in charge of such a big responsibility will have the power from now on to decide the destiny of many people with his decisions, and according to the image the new president of the US has given so far in terms of sexuality, racial profiling and migrant policy among ohters, it seems almost impossible to trust in a better future. But let us try to do not being very catastrophists for the moment and take a look how things are coming up.
The other main candidate, Hillary Clinton, from the democratic party, was the hope for many people both in the US and in the rest of the world in order to continue with the economical and social "stability" there has been so far. But all that glitters is not gold and Hillary, according to some revealed information in the latest months, has been shown that she was not the most appropriate person to succeed Barak Obama either. Some controversial decissions in foreign countries leaked by reliable sources demonstrated her purposes in some countries with open conflicts that were not legitimate.
In any case, one of two candidates were unavoidable to be chosed as president. As a result of the elections, now both the future of the USA and the rest of the world are in hands of Donald Trump, a man with an outlandish personality who will not leave anyone indifferent.

The other main candidate, Hillary Clinton, from the democratic party, was the hope for many people both in the US and in the rest of the world in order to continue with the economical and social "stability" there has been so far. But all that glitters is not gold and Hillary, according to some revealed information in the latest months, has been shown that she was not the most appropriate person to succeed Barak Obama either. Some controversial decissions in foreign countries leaked by reliable sources demonstrated her purposes in some countries with open conflicts that were not legitimate.
In any case, one of two candidates were unavoidable to be chosed as president. As a result of the elections, now both the future of the USA and the rest of the world are in hands of Donald Trump, a man with an outlandish personality who will not leave anyone indifferent.
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