Today I would like to talk about a very serious topic.. Well, let's get our thinking caps on and start thinking then
Today I would like to talk about a very serious topic.. Well, let's get our thinking caps on and start thinking then
I am sure you have already hear about
some of these words: zodiac sign, ascendant, horoscopes, tarot, natal
chart houses, birth chart calculator, love compatibility, water
signs, air signs, fire signs, earth signs, elements, ruling planets,
and so on.
All of these concepts belong to Astrology.
“Astrology is the study of the
movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for
divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events”.
The scientific community rejects
astrology as having no explanatory power for describing the universe,
and consider it a pseudoscience. Do you know that some cultures have
attached importance to astronomical events? Indian, Chinese, Maya. Do
you know even Adolf Hitler used astrology to time his actions? Ok,
this is not a good example.
Believe or not in astrology? I don't
have an answer, there are a lot of debates about this topic, many
people can't start the day without reading them horoscope, and other
people reject these beliefs.
I admit, I have already calculated my
ascendant and my natal chart house and I have read all about my
zodiac sign, my kind of sign.
What about horoscope. What do you think? I don't believe so much in horoscope, but I really love the weekly one made by Rob Brezsny (you can find on this link http://www.freewillastrology.com/horoscopes/). Let me say that this is a particular kind of horoscope, often it start with a poetry, aphorisms or anecdote.
On January, when YEU wrote me that I
was selected for this EVS my horoscope was:
..... The future is headed your way
in a big hurry. It may not be completely here for a few weeks, but
even then it will have arrived ahead of schedule. Should you be
alarmed? Should you work yourself into an agitated state and draw
premature conclusions? Hell, no! Treat this sudden onrush of tomorrow
as a bracing opportunity to be as creative as you dare. Cultivate a
beginner's mind. Be alert for unexpected openings that you assumed
would take longer to appear .....
In this case Rob was right. EVS was my
unexpected future and my right way to go.
Come back to our topic, when I meet new
people I like ask their zodiac sign for try to do “field research”.
Sometimes people reply me: “try to guess”, so I start to put some
questions, like: Do you like travelling? What are your hobbies? Do
you attach to the environment where you grew up? Are you lazy? Are
you tidy or untidy? Most of the time I don't figure out the correct
zodiac sign, but sometimes it happens.
Maybe in 3, 5, 10 years I could arrive
to one of these conclusions: Astrology is real or it is a “malakia”.
I don't know, but I would like to finish with a request for you: try
to do your personal research. It could be a very funny way to know
people, always starts an interesting conversation.